Monday, July 17, 2006

Where's Heaven?

I suppose this is an odd thought. I read Michio Kaku's Hyperspace back in January, but the thought just came to me a couple of days ago. I think Heaven is the twenty-sixth dimension. According to Kaku, that is the most dimensions possible in the universe. It may be only ten.

It all gets rather complicated and I haven't had time to think this through, yet. Part of what led me to this thought is the story of the two dimensional world when a three dimensional person inserts himself into it. If a three dimensional person picked up a two dimensional person and moved him, it would appear to the two dimensional world that he disappeared and reappeared elsewhere. If a two dimensional person "sees" a three dimensional person, it is only a two dimensional slice. Obviously, this slice isn't a true view of the three dimensional person. Depending on what part of the body enters their world and what angle, it could be pretty much any shape. The 3-D person who moved the 2-D person would appear as two circles or ovals (fingertips).

How could we possibly understand what a twenty-six dimensional being is like? I can't imagine one and I have a pretty good imagination. "For now we see through a glass, darkly." Many currently inexplicable things could be understood. Explaining and understanding miracles doesn't make them less miraculous in this dimension.

I don't see science as an enemy of God. My only complaint is that so many scientists don't let God into the equation. I believe a true search for knowledge must encompass both. A true search must begin with the knowledge we know next to nothing about either.

I've started to ramble, so I'll end this post now. I'd love some comments about the idea. As I said, I haven't completely thought this through, and any input can be helpful.


Tracy said...

String theory blows my mind. I think it's an interesting notion about heaven being the 26th dimension.

I don't know, it was just really hard to follow the science Kaku presented in the book. "Lineland," however, was simple and cute.

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Anonymous said...

After reading Michio Kaku (and others), I ran a string of words and concepts on a search engine and got a document that talked about a 5,000 year old rabbinical writing that mirrored Kaku's super string theory except that it used the word "vessels" for "dimensions". I find it interesting that some organic theoretical physicists say the universe in congruent in 10 dimensions (of progress and development)and 26 dimensions (of correction and healing) and that the alpha-numeric total for the word GOD is 26 (7+15+4)and there are 26 letters in the english language and 26 principles in the Upanishads. It might also be argued that there are 26 appendages to the (male) body. I run Internet checks now and then using "26 dimensional god" and your site came up so I thought I'd say hi. Your other stuff is ok too but sexist B.S. (women are stronger)is a turn-off (however interesting it may sound). Good luck (and God Bless) in your spiritual endeavors.

Ambrose said...

Hi it’s a good post. And I was astonished to hear from you the same I was thinking for the past three months about dimensions. Today I searched for any link between god and dimensions I came to this blog. I was shocked to see the same exact things I have been meditating for the past months. Your suggestion in including god in scientific theories. is a good one. I always look for answers about God through scientific means only otherwise i will not satisfy my belief. I think you are going in the right direction. Keep going cont…. And if you can thing of what this 26 dimension world will be share with us. I am also trying it but i think the moment we do understand we wont be in this world instead we will be ruptured to higher dimensions like 4,5,6 etc. so what ever it is tell us before you disappear so that we can have easy go. Bye. God bless you

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Anonymous said...

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sirdof7th said...

I have a theory of my own if you care to hear it.

The Bible tells us God made us from the dust. To me that means we came from the Earth. If we came from the Earth? The Earth also made Elephants and Giraffes kind of living tree trimmers. Made cattle and other graising animals. Their like living lawn mowers. Many other species. All having a certain job to do.
Now the Earth also gave us taste, sight, touch, hearing and much more.

If the Earth gave us all those abilities?
Don't you think that the Earth would have those abilities itself?
Because if it did not? It would be creating its own Master!
I don't think it would do that.
I say. "God is the Earth." Your standing on him!

You know what? Everything makes more sense.
Now I see how he hears our prayers.
How he knows where everyone is and who is good or bad. Why you can not lie to him.
We are all electrically and magnetically connected to this Earth. He can look up in your mind any event from the day you were born to present. We are like Cyborgs walking the Earth.
As far as the telescopes can see. Earth is the only planet alive.

God is the Earth and Jesus was his only begotten son.
Jesus The Greatest man who will ever exist.
God is proud of his son.
Thank you for taking time to read this.